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Contexts of Heeren Street

Project task & overview

The place identity of a place or street is established and shaped through socio-cultural, economics and political factors in a period of time. Rapid globalization has negatively impacted such cultural streets, losing its place identity. Heeren Street was chosen as the street of study. Physical contexts such as its architectural significance, religious buildings, facades and non-physical contexts such as traditional trades, history and social institutions are studied through infographic manner in 10 pieces of A4 paper.

Presentation board
Final boards

In this project, I've gained more knowledge of the Peranakans who once was a famous family in the street. I've also learnt the origin of several significant individuals as well as the varying facades that could tell the year in which the shophouses are built. Non-physical contexts include the nyonya cuisine as well as the social institution that assists the local community.

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